How Much Are Conveyancing Fees For Selling A House?

Buying and selling a home can be a costly process, and many people choosing to move often neglect to do their research on just how many fees are involved.

The fees for moving and buying a house can appear obvious, but with estate agents, surveyors, lawyers and more required to get the ball rolling, the costs can quickly spiral out of control – leaving many people out of pocket.

Conveyancing fees are just one of the areas where homeowners can neglect to do the proper research. While the costs can vary depending on your area and your home, you’ll still need to set aside a decent chunk for this essential service.

How much are conveyancing fees for selling a house?

The straightforward legal fees for selling a home typically range from between £800 and £1500 – with 20% VAT. But that doesn’t always tell the whole story of what you’ll need to pay to get the job done.

The conveyor or solicitor will also carry out local searches, making sure that there are no issues around local planning restrictions or developments. These can typically add around another £300 onto the total bill. Many websites listing conveyancing fees will include this figure, while others will leave it out – so make sure that you’re comparing the same figures everywhere you look and aren’t missing out on extra costs.

How can I get the best deal on conveyancing deals when selling a house?

Conveyancing Supermarket will allow you to compare the costs of conveyancing from different providers to make sure you get the best deal possible. Our calculator will also help you instantly get an idea of how much you can pay by providing you with a quote from just a few small details. After that, you can simply book a call with the selected conveyancer to discuss the quote and all costs involved – so you’ll know exactly what you can expect to pay, without any hidden charges.

Try out our calculator today to see the best deals for conveyance fees for selling a house.

Fees Key by CreditDebitPro licensed under Creative commons 5

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