conveyancing sign

Common Misconceptions about Conveyancing You Need to Know

Buying or selling a property is no small task. The legal processes involved can be pretty taxing, confusing, and overwhelming—especially when you’re a first-timer. One thing that can confuse you further is all the rampant misconceptions about conveyancing. Today we want to help you understand the process better and begin it with clarity and confidence.

Here are some of the most common misconceptions you should know about:

“Conveyancing is Too Expensive”

There’s a common misconception that conveyancing is too expensive. Our conveyancers say, “it depends on the legal service you’re looking for”. Fees for conveyancing services vary from one client to another, if you’re looking for an average and cost-effective conveyancing service, you will get it.

“The Cheapest Conveyancer is the Best”

This may not be true. When you choose a cheap conveyancer to handle your legal needs, they often used junior employees to carry our much of the work. Often they are very busy and it could lead to delays and you may never speak to the same person twice.

“I Can Do it Myself”

Should you do your own conveyancing? Probably not. It’s a lot of hard work and if you’re not familiar with the legal practices required you might make mistakes that could be costly.

You don’t have the experience and knowledge of a residential conveyancer who can answer your questions and help you reach a legally binding agreement. If you’re not doing it correctly, you could lose your home and cost yourself thousands of pounds.

“Conveyancing Takes Too Long”

Usually, it takes to complete a property transfer depending on the type of property and its location. If you’re buying a house, the time it takes to complete the transaction can range from around 12 weeks. This time scale has increased due to Covid but timeframes are slowing returning to normal. 

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking for a conveyancer, you should do some research and find out which companies can provide the best service for your needs. It’s essential to choose a reputable, reputable and has a good track record with your property needs.

When you’re looking for property solicitors for your conveyancing needs, you should know what you want and what you can afford at the same time. 

If you need to find conveyancing quotes in England and Wales, we’re here to help you. Conveyancing Supermarket is an online comparison tool for conveyancing quotes. Find the best rates through the process of comparison. Get a free instant quote from us today!

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