What Does A Conveyancer Do When Selling A House?
When you are selling a house, a conveyancer helps you to carry out the whole process safely and ensures your rights are properly protected throughout the transaction. In order to fulfill a contract of sale with a buyer, it is vital you have a conveyancer on board to help you out. Here is a brief overview of the three main tasks a conveyancer carries out when selling a house.
1. Drawing up all necessary documents
When drawing up the contract of sale, your conveyancer will be there to ensure the documents are properly written and include any special conditions you’d like included. This job is vital in helping to avoid any future conflicts once the contracts have all been signed. They will also prepare the vendor’s statement. These two documents are the most important in your part of the sale process, but they may also need to draw up other documents depending on your exact circumstances.
2. Offering legal advice
When you are selling your house, you will likely be unaware of what you can and cannot include in your contract of sale. Your conveyancer is there to help advise you on any of the legal aspects of selling a house and to answer any questions you might have. For example, if you are buying a property at the same time as you are selling one, your conveyancer can help by making your settlement date and the purchase settlement coincide on the same day.
3. Arranging a settlement
The final time and date of a settlement requires careful planning, your conveyancer can negotiate a suitable time with the buyer’s conveyancer. This date will also need to coincide with all of the bank’s process and can be overwhelming if you lack the necessary experience. The conveyancer will also be responsible for contacting the estate agent to let them know it is time to hand over the keys after the paperwork has all been properly signed.
If you are in the process of selling a house, then it is highly recommended you find a good conveyancer as they can end up saving you a lot of time and money. However, finding the best one for your needs can be tough. Well, to help you with the process, we recommend you check out our useful conveyancer comparison tool.